Sunday, June 25, 2023

Blog Post #10: Artificial Intelligence

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    Although artificial intelligence appears to have many benefits, there are also significant drawbacks. Undoubtedly, technology has made many of our lives safer, simpler, and more productive, but it has also negatively impacted us in ways that many of us are completely unaware of. You'd be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you, according to a 2015 controversy regarding Google's invasion of privacy. You may have believed you were searching Google, but Google was actually searching you, according to the "Age of AI" video. It is very unsettling to hear this statement from a professional and someone with personal experience. No matter what we do or how private we believe we are, everyone and everything about us is not private. Privacy has started to disappear not only in the United States but also on a global scale. By 2020, there will likely be over 600 million cameras installed in Japan, with the intention of deterring everyday misdeeds like jaywalking and, more ominously, serving as a constant reminder of who really controls things and who is keeping an eye on us.

    With the aid of technology, identity theft is also simpler than ever for a hacker. These hackers now have easy online access to the accounts of many different people as well as almost all of their personal information. Even worse, in some cases, hackers have been able to watch their victims through devices like baby monitors or ring doorbells. All things considered, artificial intelligence has made it very difficult for us to protect the privacy of our information and even for the majority of us to feel secure.

    In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to this developing field of technology, but we must exercise caution. Although many of us enjoy using things like our smartphones, Google, and Alexa, it is important to use these kinds of gadgets sparingly. AI can rule the world because it is as intelligent as or even smarter than the majority of us. Despite how absurd that may sound, it is unsettling how close we have come to making it a reality. So the next time you wake up and reach for your phone, stop and consider how important your privacy is to you.

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