Sunday, June 25, 2023

Blog Post #10: Artificial Intelligence

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    Although artificial intelligence appears to have many benefits, there are also significant drawbacks. Undoubtedly, technology has made many of our lives safer, simpler, and more productive, but it has also negatively impacted us in ways that many of us are completely unaware of. You'd be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you, according to a 2015 controversy regarding Google's invasion of privacy. You may have believed you were searching Google, but Google was actually searching you, according to the "Age of AI" video. It is very unsettling to hear this statement from a professional and someone with personal experience. No matter what we do or how private we believe we are, everyone and everything about us is not private. Privacy has started to disappear not only in the United States but also on a global scale. By 2020, there will likely be over 600 million cameras installed in Japan, with the intention of deterring everyday misdeeds like jaywalking and, more ominously, serving as a constant reminder of who really controls things and who is keeping an eye on us.

    With the aid of technology, identity theft is also simpler than ever for a hacker. These hackers now have easy online access to the accounts of many different people as well as almost all of their personal information. Even worse, in some cases, hackers have been able to watch their victims through devices like baby monitors or ring doorbells. All things considered, artificial intelligence has made it very difficult for us to protect the privacy of our information and even for the majority of us to feel secure.

    In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to this developing field of technology, but we must exercise caution. Although many of us enjoy using things like our smartphones, Google, and Alexa, it is important to use these kinds of gadgets sparingly. AI can rule the world because it is as intelligent as or even smarter than the majority of us. Despite how absurd that may sound, it is unsettling how close we have come to making it a reality. So the next time you wake up and reach for your phone, stop and consider how important your privacy is to you.

Blog Post #9: Propaganda

    Propaganda has been used throughout history, going all the way back to the Aztec Civilization. To talk about it, you might need to know what it means. Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Even though it can be used in multiple ways, I want to talk about what it was like during World War I. During this time, propaganda was used as a tool to sway public opinion and support the war effort. Governments on both sides of the conflict utilized various mediums to spread their message, including posters, newspapers, and even films. The messages were often designed to evoke strong emotions and appeal to nationalistic pride. One of the best-known examples of World War I propaganda is the famous "Uncle Sam" poster, in which a stern-looking Uncle Sam points directly at the viewer with the words "I Want You for the U.S. Army" emblazoned across it. Propaganda played a significant role in shaping public opinion during this time, but it also had its critics, who argued that it was manipulative and unethical. Despite these criticisms, propaganda remains an important tool in shaping public opinion today and continues to be used by governments, political parties, and other organizations around the world. 

    After knowing what propaganda is and how it works, you need to ask yourself, Is propaganda a good thing or a bad thing? On the one hand, propaganda can be used to spread important messages and rally support for a cause. It can be a powerful tool for promoting social change and raising awareness about issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. However, propaganda can also be used to manipulate people and spread misinformation. When used in this way, it can have serious consequences for democracy and individual freedoms. Ultimately, the impact of propaganda depends on how it is used and the intentions behind its creation. As individuals, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of propaganda and to critically evaluate the messages we receive from various sources. By doing so, we can help ensure that propaganda is used responsibly and ethically which promotes the greater good. 

The big question was: how did propaganda affect families during that time? 
Propaganda had a profound impact on families during the period in which "I Want You for the U.S. Army" was emblazoned across posters and billboards. Parents worried about their sons being drafted into the military, and propaganda played a role in convincing them that it was their patriotic duty to support the war effort. Children were also affected by propaganda, as they were exposed to images of soldiers as heroes and encouraged to support the war effort in any way they could. However, propaganda was not without its critics, who argued that it was manipulative and unethical. Despite these criticisms, propaganda remains an important tool for shaping public opinion today and is used by governments, political parties, and other organizations around the world to influence public opinion on a wide range of issues. Whether or not propaganda is ethical or effective remains a matter of debate, but there is no denying its power to shape public opinion and influence the course of history. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Blog Post #8: Diffusion of Innovation


    Every day, new innovations are created, whether they are as significant as Netflix or the Internet or as basic as Bluetooth or headphones. As a theory that follows a pattern and disseminates novel concepts, behaviors, or goods among a population, diffusion of innovation can be defined. One of the earliest social science theories ever developed is the diffusion of innovation theory, which was developed in 1962 by a man by the name of E.M. Rogers. There are five distinct stages to concentrate on when developing an innovation that appeals to the various adopter categories. These include innovators, early adopters, the early majority, the late majority, and the laggards.

Public health initiatives are also developed using the diffusion of innovation theory. Facebook is a modern illustration of this technique. It was initially intended as a product for students and staff members of educational institutions. The social media site spread to the general public and across international borders as student use increased outside of the classroom. Just like the theory does to the audience it reaches. Once more, a select group of people is chosen to be the early adopters of a new technology or practice and to inform others about it. However, cultural restrictions frequently prevent the success of such programs.


 In order to overcome these cultural barriers, it is important to understand the local context and tailor the program accordingly. This can involve working with community leaders and influencers to gain their support and trust. It may also require adapting the program to fit within existing cultural norms and practices. Additionally, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook can be a powerful tool for spreading awareness and promoting behavior change. By leveraging the power of early adopters and social networks, public health programs can have a greater impact on communities. However, it is important to continually evaluate and adapt these programs based on feedback from the community in order to ensure their success. Ultimately, designing effective public health programs requires a deep understanding of local cultures and the ability to adapt strategies accordingly.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Blog Post #7: Robotic Surgical System



 Throughout the years of technological advancement, we have seen incredible changes in the way we communicate, work, and live. These changes have opened up new opportunities and transformed our daily lives in ways we never thought possible. My generation has grown up in a world where technology is an integral part of our lives and will continue to shape our future. It has not only helped us as a people, but it has also helped us create things to help others in ways we never thought possible. 

    Within the medical field, a lot of new technology has been developed that has greatly improved patient care and outcomes. I was able to witness firsthand how this technology has saved lives and improved the quality of life for many individuals. My dad was diagnosed with cancer, and when he went through surgery, we were taught about all the technology that they were going to use. The doctor sat us down and explained what he was going to do, and it was absolutely mind-blowing.

The one technology that stood out was the robotic surgical system, which allowed for more precise and less invasive surgery. It was amazing to see how far medical technology has come. The robotic surgical system is a remarkable advancement in the field of medicine. With its precision and less invasive approach, it has revolutionized the way surgeries are performed. The system allows for smaller incisions, resulting in less pain and scarring for patients. Surgeons are able to control the robotic arms with incredible accuracy, allowing them to perform delicate procedures with ease. The technology also offers improved visualization, providing surgeons with a better view of the surgical site. This means that surgeries can be performed more efficiently and with fewer complications. It's clear that medical technology has come a long way, and the robotic surgical system is just one example of how it's changing the face of healthcare. After seeing that and learning more about it, it is safe to say that the future of surgery looks promising with fewer complications.


Blog Post #6: Anti- War


Anti-war has been a prominent movement throughout history, with activists and pacifists alike advocating for peaceful solutions to conflicts. The horrors of war are well documented, from the loss of life and destruction of communities to the lasting trauma experienced by survivors. Despite this, war continues to be a tool used by governments and leaders around the world. The anti-war movement has taken many forms over time, from protests and demonstrations to acts of civil disobedience. It has been fueled by a variety of factors, including opposition to specific wars or military actions, concerns about the human toll of the conflict, and a belief in the power of diplomacy and negotiation. While progress has been made in reducing the frequency and severity of armed conflicts in some parts of the world, there is still much work to be done. The fight for peace is ongoing and requires continued dedication and activism from individuals and communities around the globe.  

Even though you rarely see it on the news, does anyone ever wonder why we don't see it? Perhaps because the news often focuses on conflict and violence rather than efforts towards peace, however, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the progress that has been made towards peace. The establishment of organizations such as the United Nations and the International Criminal Court has helped to promote peace and justice on a global scale. 

Additionally, community-led initiatives have played a significant role in promoting peace at the local level. It is crucial that we continue to support these efforts and work towards creating a more peaceful world for future generations. This can be achieved through education, advocacy, and active participation in our communities. We must also address the root causes of conflict, such as inequality and poverty, in order to create sustainable peace. By working together towards this common goal, we can make a difference in the world and create a brighter future for all. 

Blog Post #5: Youtube

    When thinking of all the technologies in the world, it gets crazy to see all the amazing advancements that have been made in recent years. From self-driving cars to virtual reality, the possibilities are endless. We are living in an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. The emergence of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and quantum computing has revolutionized the way we live and work.  With all these advancements, it's exciting to think about what the future holds for technology and how it will continue to shape our world, but for right now, let's go back in time for a moment and look at all the technology that was developed and how it has become a worldwide platform for anyone to use.

On February 14, 2005, an online video platform called YouTube was launched, allowing people to easily share and access videos from all over the world. It was founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. They aimed to make it simple for individuals to publish and distribute videos globally. Since 2005, YouTube has become one of the most popular websites on the internet, with over 2 billion monthly active users. The platform has revolutionized the way we consume media, allowing anyone to become a content creator and share their ideas with the world. YouTube has also been instrumental in launching the careers of many famous YouTubers, such as PewDiePie and Zoella. In addition to entertainment, YouTube has also been used for educational purposes, with channels like Crash Course and Khan Academy providing free online courses to millions of people around the world. The platform has also been used for social activism, with videos documenting protests and raising awareness about important issues. Overall, YouTube has had a profound impact on our society and will continue to shape our culture for years to come. 

YouTube is also a source of income. People today can now make videos of things and get paid for them through advertising revenue or sponsorships. This has created a new wave of content creators and influencers who have gained massive followings and fame through YouTube. These creators have been able to build their own brands and businesses through the platform, creating merchandise and even launching their own products. YouTube has also become a hub for education and learning, with channels dedicated to teaching everything from cooking to coding. The platform has allowed for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard, as anyone can create content and share their experiences with the world. Additionally, YouTube has been a powerful tool for social activism, with videos raising awareness and sparking important conversations about issues such as racism and inequality. As technology continues to evolve, it's clear that YouTube will remain a major player in shaping our culture and influencing the way we consume media. 

YouTube quickly became one of the most popular websites on the internet and has since changed the way we consume and share video content. It has also revolutionized the entertainment industry and created opportunities for content creators around the world. Today, it continues to dominate the online video market and shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, it is projected that by 2022, online video will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic. This highlights the importance of video content in the current digital landscape. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Blog Post #4: The Eight Values of Free Expression


There are eight values of free expression, including individualism, diversity, democracy, accountability, progress, creativity, self-realization, and human dignity. Each of them is different from the others. Individualism is the idea that every person has the right to express themselves in their own unique way, without fear of censorship or suppression. Diversity promotes the exchange of different ideas and perspectives, leading to a more informed and tolerant society. Democracy relies on free expression to ensure that citizens can participate in public discourse and hold their leaders accountable. Accountability ensures that those in power are held responsible for their actions and decisions. The free exchange of ideas drives progress, as new innovations and technologies emerge from open discussion. Creativity flourishes when individuals are free to express themselves without fear of judgment or censorship. Self-realization allows individuals to fully explore their identities and beliefs, leading to personal growth and fulfillment. Finally, human dignity is protected when all individuals are allowed to express themselves freely, without discrimination or persecution. Together, these eight values form the foundation of a healthy and vibrant society that values individual rights and freedoms above all else. 


All eight of the values are important, but the importance of diversity in society stands out as being extremely important. It is possible to move forward and come up with new ideas by accepting diversity and allowing for the exchange of multiple points of view and thoughts. thoughts. By having the Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection under the law is guaranteed regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender by the fourteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It has been upheld by important legal decisions like Brown v. Board of Education and Obergefell v. Hodges. This equality principle is a cornerstone of American democracy. Even so, discrimination and prejudice continue to exist in a variety of ways, from minor injustices to racialized racism, despite these legal protections. A more inclusive society must be actively created, so it is crucial for individuals and organizations to do their part. 


Individuality is the next vital value. The First Amendment helps to protect our right to express ourselves and speak freely, enabling people to share their distinctive beliefs and ideas without worrying about backlash. Giving the individual their due can result in significant social progress and start change. Individuality should also not be confused with selfishness or a lack of regard for other people. Speaking freely enables people to share their distinctive beliefs and ideas without worrying about backlash. Giving the individual their due can result in significant social progress and start change. Individuality should also not be confused with selfishness or a lack of regard for other people. Finding a compromise between one's right to express oneself and respect for the rights and beliefs of others is extremely important. Having an open mind and showing compassion for people with different viewpoints will help you accomplish this. Additionally, valuing individuality can promote diversity and inclusivity in a variety of cultural settings, including the workplace and education. We can build a more accepting society by accepting and celebrating differences.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Blog Post #3: The Supreme Court


The judicial, legislative, and executive branches make up the three parts of the U.S. government. Laws are drafted by the legislative branch, put into effect by the executive branch, and then interpreted by the judicial branch to determine whether or not they are constitutional. I was given the opportunity to watch two videos on the Supreme Court ( links will be listed below) and was able to answer the following questions:

What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

  • Back in high school, I can remember sitting in a classroom and learning about all the government departments and how each of them worked. We never really spent a lot of time on the Supreme Court, but when we did, we would only talk about the historians within the Court; we never talked about what the court's tasks were on a daily basis. There were a lot of things throughout the videos that I did not learn about back in high school. For example, they receive over 100 new cases per week and over 7000 cases per year, and with the amount of work they do on top of taking care of those cases, it can be a lot to manage all the time. It's important to understand the importance of their job and the impact it has on our communities. 

What is the most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court?

  • The Supreme Court is a crucial institution in the American government, and that was the main lesson to be learned from the videos about it. The Supreme Court is in charge of determining how the Constitution should be interpreted and whether or not laws are constitutional. Due to the nine justices' lifetime appointments, their decisions may have a lasting impact on American society. The protection of individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech and religion, is one of the Supreme Court's most significant responsibilities. Additionally, the court has the authority to invalidate laws that go against these rights. In addition, the Supreme Court has a big influence on American politics and policy-making. Its choices can affect future legislation and public opinion. Overall, understanding the role and importance of the Supreme Court is essential for anyone interested in American politics or law. 

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

  • Everything in the video was interesting to learn about, but the thing that surprised me the most was that there were only just over one hundred Supreme Court Justices throughout the history of the US. The other shocking thing that I did not know about was the number of cases they get per week. It's clear that being a Supreme Court Justice is no easy task, but it's also one of the most important and influential positions in American government. 

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

My opinion of the Supreme Court was not changed by the videos that we were required to watch, but I can say that they have earned more respect for me because of everything that they do for us and other people within the US. They fight for someone who was wrongfully convicted. Before watching the videos, I used to think of the Supreme Court as a group of bossy people trying to just get through a case to get it closed. Let me just say my opinion has changed because, after watching the videos, I realized that the people who are within the Supreme Court are just people; they are like us, and they do have a higher power, but that is because they have worked very hard to get that power and are using it for good so they can help the ones that need it. They are not above the law but rather enforce it.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Blog Post #2: Techonolgy Truths Revealed

Technology has only been around for hundreds of years. That number seems like a lot, but in all honesty, that number is very low considering the number of years we had before us. However, the rapid advancement of technology in recent years has revolutionized the way we live our lives. From smartphones to social media, technology has become an integral part of our daily routines. It has made communication easier and more efficient, connecting people from all corners of the world. It has also made information more accessible, allowing us to learn and discover new things at a faster pace than ever before. The healthcare industry has also been transformed by technology, with medical breakthroughs and advancements in treatments that have saved countless lives. But what if I told you that this is the beginning of the loss of privacy?

It's true that after listening to the Ted Talks you have lost your own privacy, and you may never get it back. Most of these issues brought up within the TedTalk affected me in some way, while the others really did not have an effect on me. The four Ted Talks were about the following: electronic tattoos, camera enhancements, phone surveillance, and revenge porn, but most people know it as cyberbullying.

Starting off with electronic tattoos can mean you can unlock your phone with a simple swipe of your wrist, but it could also mean the beginning of a new time of privacy concerns and data tracking. When you send a message, the data can be seen by anyone who can access the database and get any information that they want. This one and the one about phone surveillance are the ones that would affect me the most, and this is why. Just say I would be on the phone and would have to give out personal information, such as my credit card information. That would mean that if someone were to hack into the database where all that data is stored, I would lose my card information because now the person who was able to access the database has all the information they need to do whatever they want with it.

The next two issues that were discussed in the videos were camera enhancement and revenge porn. I am not affected by either of these, but I will discuss what each of them means and how they impact others. Camera enhancement refers to the use of a camera, mainly within the police department, because one of the examples in the video shows cameras located on police cars. The camera located on the cars would scan each license plate that passed it, run it through a database, and see if the individual was on some kind of watch list. So if you were to pass by a cop and they took a picture of your license plate, they would be able to know everything about you. Revenge porn is basically like cyberbullying but with inappropriate photos of someone else that are put onto a website. This is why they tell you to be careful about what you put on the internet because once it is out there, you can never get it back. The lady in the video shares her story about how this exact thing happened to her. This type of thing happens all the time, and people's lives are getting ruined because of it. 

The next thing to ask is what the government is going to do about these issues. That is going to be hard to do due to them being responsible for three out of the four issues. The government could maybe be able to only use the devices for what they are used for, rather than taking advantage of them and using them for other unnecessary things. For example, camera surveillance, camera enhancement, and revenge porn could all be prevented if the government put something like a fireball around them and did not let other people access those databases to see everything that was stored in them. 

Finally, the last thing you should wonder is, what would be the best way to reduce the invasion of our privacy? That is a good question. The only thing I could think of would be getting rid of technology altogether. That solution would never happen because of the generation we have today, where everything revolves around the use of technology. After closer consideration, it would not work to completely take away technology because the healthcare field has been thriving due to the enhancement of technology. So the next idea is that if we had the ability to control who could access our personal data, we could feel more secure and protected in our online interactions. 

Blog Post #1: 5 Primary News Sources

Information is distributed using forms of entertainment, which is a tool. The News, social networks, and the internet are the three primary methods used to gather media in today's world. Since we are exposed to all aspects of suggestions on every single day, it is essential that media outlets expand and comprehend all points of view. I constantly check my phone for the most recent update on the latest events, as a lot of people of my generation do. CNN, LinkedIn, Google News, The Dispatch, and ESPN are the top five news sources I use.

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One of the top news outlets in the world, CNN is best known for its in-depth coverage of global relations and 
real-time breaking news.CNN has established a  reputation for itself as a reliable source of up-to-date information by gathering a staff of skilled reporters and news agencies. From political developments to natural disasters. With its creative need for social media as well as technology. This is why I enjoy watching CNN, not just for its broad audience but additionally since you can find out anything you want to know about anything going on in the world. The best thing about CNN is that in addition to reporting on negative world events, they also show lighthearted and comical stories that make us smile. Due to this, I enjoy CNN.

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LinkedIn is recognized for its professional platform, which allows users to communicate with others in their industry and grow their careers. Both job hunters and employment agencies take advantage of this platform. This is
especially useful for college students who want to find employment after graduation.  It is simple to use and allows you to highlight your abilities and experience. It
also allows access to business groups on LinkedIn and provides an opportunity to network with some professionals and keep up with the latest developments in your industry.  Overall, anyone who is serious about their professional development and growth should have a LinkedIn account. 

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Google News is a fantastic resource for staying up to date on events and subjects that interest you. The feature that I liked the most about Google News is the ability to customize your feed based on your preferences and interests. I could choose what I wanted to see in my feed. Viewing the news that 's important to me the most is now made much easier by all this. Both Google News and Apple News are mainly the same. I encourage you to give Google News a try even if you only use Apple News and have an iPhone. You might be surprised by the articles you find that you otherwise wouldn't have seen. Having a variety of news and information sources is always a good idea.

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The Dispatch is a nearby local news source, and when I was younger, my family would receive The Dispatch as our daily newspaper. My generation is heavily influenced by technology, so I appreciated that this news source was one of the few left that still distributed newspapers. We were given plenty of local news about what was happening nearby, which I found to be interesting. However, the main reason I acknowledge them is that they provide resources for people who have no way to receive news by the use of a phone. They are the only ones who can still provide actual newspapers to those who request them. Despite appearing dated, they still have a lot of information in them.

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One of the largest broadcast networks in the sporting industry is ESPN. They are a go-to source for many fans because they give the most recent news and analysis on a variety of sports. Sports experts host podcasts and radio shows on ESPN, giving fans another way to stay up to date on their favorite sports. There are numerous options available, and trying to keep up with the most recent developments in the sports world is clearer than ever. There are plenty of resources to keep you informed and involved with your favorite teams and athletes, whether you prefer print or digital media. 

Final Post: Technology

  Our relationship with technology can be described as complex and ever-evolving. As humans, we have become increasingly dependent on techno...